You Can! “The Thumblady” Can Help!  (847) 641-4444

Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm


Enjoy the benefits of therapy in the comfort and safety of your home.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, more and more clients are requesting an online therapy experience.

I would love to work with you and your family online! 

All Sessions Confidential and Safe via the SecureVideo Telepractice Format. 



thumbsucking elimination


aka, Shari Green, C.O.M.

You or your child have struggled for years. You know it’s time. You’ve been searching and hoping for someone out there who can help. 

Yes, there is someone out there that can help...

I can help...

And we will do this in a fun, positive, and amazing way!




Shari Green, COM

Certified Orofacial Myologist

Specializing in oral habit elimination including thumb, finger, nail biting, and pacifier habits, and orofacial myofunctional therapy for tongue thrust and pre and post lip and tongue tie care. 

These are all related. How? The tongue is low positioned in each one of these issues. We work on the habits that cause the tongue to rest low & retrain the tongue too!

How can I help YOUR family succeed?


just making the call

is the hardest part...

Helping others with conquering their oral habits & tongue thrusting is my passion.... I have been enthusiastically helping thousands of children and adults overcome these issues for over 2 decades. You are not alone! That is what Certified Orofacial Myologists do. They are the experts in oral habits!

Seeing someone succeed is the best part of my job! It is within reach. is!

Sometimes, you just need a little help. And, it is OK to ask for help...

...and it’s more than ok to teach your children it‘s ok to ask for help!

I would love to help you and your family!

Shari is a Past President of The International Association of Orofacial Myology, a Noted Researcher and Professional Speaker in Oral Habits, & a current instructor & member of the IAOM Board of Examiners.

In practice... for over two decades. Trusted by scores of local physicians, dentists, speech and occupational therapists, and other health practitioners who understand the connection between oral habits and their impact on facial growth and development, and overall health. Let's embrace the importance of establishing healthy oral habits at any age to maximize your wellbeing together! 

The child who sucks their finger or thumb past age 4 or thrust their tongue can feel so defeated. That is where I step in as a 3rd person to help you in a fun, positive way. I can't wait to help you & your family! 






(847) 641-4444

Texts - calls emojis  😊👍🧁


Expect to be cared for with privacy and respect

When you visit with me, you can be assured that you will receive compassionate care from an experienced myofunctional practitioner who understands HOW to assist you, will offer you positive and effective strategies, and will work with you to achieve the best possible outcome.

I do NOT run a large clinic. My practice is small, and personal, and I do my OWN are always assured that because of this, you will always receive the highest quality of care, attention, and enthusiasm.  And, I will always approach this in a positive, and non threatening way...Promise.

If you or your child have a habit and are ready and really, really want to stop, I am here for you and your family. Be sure and see the testimonial page. You have found someone who can REALLY help!

My philosophy is can never FORCE someone to stop an oral habit. They must WANT to stop. When you are ready, we will approach this is a POSITIVE, FUN, and LOVING manner. And, if your child is the one with the habit, will be in the session. I wouldn't want it any other way!

If you have been referred to my office for tongue thrust or tethering, that is great! If you are seeking a consultation, let's take the next step. 

A Certified Orofacial Myologist is THE qualified practitioner for orofacial myofunctional issues. Years of training and experience really do make a difference! The average tongue thrust should correct in 12-18 sessions in a healthy person. The person with an oral habit who is ready to stop in my practice remediates their habit 24-48 hours after their initial session in my 5 visit thumb-sucking program. 

The best way to set up your first session is over the phone. (847) 641-4444. We will find a time that works. During that session I will meet with you (and if for your child, you and your child) online and we can even begin to address your concerns with assessment and targeted exercises to begin with that day. My clients are sent by their dentists or physicians specifically with a reason for their consult in mind... You can also arrange to receive all your supplies ahead of time as well so that when we meet, as we explore any concerns together, you are ready to move forward. I can't wait to start the process!

If you have been told you may have a tongue or lip tie,  I can help observe and assess your ability to move your tongue and lips and offer exercises to prepare you for the big day. Learning the skills to manage the post portion of TOTs releases are essential, and take preparation. I can help you navigate every step of the way. 

I understand life can be hectic. First sessions are tricky. I like to really take the time to observe and get to know you better, and get to the “why” that resulted in your visit. I like to devote REAL time to meeting you and getting to know all about what brought you to my practice! And, I won't just send you on your way, either. Plan on rolling up our sleeves that day! Return appointments can often be scheduled for afterschool, after Zoom school, or after work,  on teleconference.  


The office is located at 4160 Illinois Route 83, Suite 203, Long Grove, Illinois. The satellite office is located in Chicago at 4200 W. Peterson Ave. Suite 116 in Chicago. All sessions are currently online sessions and can be arranged via phone. Please click on the form below for more info, or contact us at (847) 641-4444.